Personal Messages


November 30, 2010

Birthday Girl....

   Wow. It has been a very long time since I have blogged. Way too long! So much has happened since last time. Well I had to sing 'Maybe This Time' from Cabaret again. It didn't go as well as the last time. I felt horrible that day. I woke up nauseous and tired. I got through the day however, and went on to spend my birthday weekend in a celebratory way. Friday night, the 19th of November, I went to East Side Mario's with my two friends Dominique and Emma. We had a great time! Our waiter was great. He brought me a piece of chocolate cake and a gift certificate for a free lunch for my birthday. After dinner we went to Starbucks, and then I dropped them off at home. Later that night I went to Sara's birthday party. I consumed a few beverages and had a great night. Met some new people and had a really great chat with my friend Ricki. Later that night we took Sara home and then Ricki walked me home. It was freezing out and I was wearing ripped tights and heels. I was frozen to the core. I think that night is the cause for my current lung issue.
   Saturday night was my birthday party. I had Emm, Danica, Amber, and of course Davin here. We had a great time. I consumed a few more beverages and we spent the night singing to old school tunes like the backstreet boys and spice girls, playing skip-bo, and chatting. I had cheese cake as my cake. It was great. On Sunday my Dad and Patsy came up. We went out for lunch and then shopping. I got some new clothes and other random house stuff with my birthday cash. We had a good time. After we got back, my dad put some shelves up and then they went home. Danica, Emm, Davin and I spent the rest of the night watching Paranormal State and playing skip-bo. It was a good night. I felt it the next morning though. Ballet was torturous. My body was very sore and exhausted. Monday was my actual birthday and I got around 50 birthday wishes on facebook! It was so great! Thank you everyone for that! It really made me smile. Tuesday was the worse for exhaustion. We had our crazy/ awesome Jazz teacher and she kicked my ass... again. I was absolutely dead after that class. I think I went to bed early that night. At some point I caught up on my sleep. Thursday morning I happened to wake up with a horrible cough. I spare the details, but it wasn't pretty. I ended up not being able to sing that morning. It may have worked out for the better though because now I can use that song as my exam and as my last song performance in class. Later that day I left for Belleville. I had an appointment, but I had some time before it so I went and surprised my friends Jen and Julie at Curves. They were extremely shocked and excited to see me! It was great! After my appointment I went to my good friend Ali's. It was a lot of fun. We spent our time just hanging out and looking at her scrapbooks that she had created. They are very well put together. She needs to have them in a gallery. She did one of Prince Edward County, which is my home as well, that she should put in a museum in the County. It is very well done. Later that night I went to my best friend's place. Jessica's little sister was there. We had a good time just hanging out and chatting. I spent the night there and woke up very early in the morning to drive back to Brockville and go to school. That day was very long and I was very exhausted. I really don't know how I managed to go out that night, but I did. It was Holly's birthday party that night. I had a great time. I consumed some more beverages and then at the end of the night I walked home with Ricki, Sara, and Michael. Ricki walked me back to my apartment, but first we made a stop at MacDonalds. I hate that it is right beside my place, I just have to say that. As we were leaving the restaurant, Ricki and I had our arms linked, and a guy yelled out, "She's a keeper, she's gorgeous!" Ricki was like, "hehe, he thinks we're together." I was like, "hehe, he thinks I'm gorgeous." It was really funny. After he left I ate and went to bed. I spent Saturday hanging out at my place. Davin had some of her family that lives very close to where I'm from come down. They were really nice. Later that day I went to the theater and saw "Burlesque". It was absolutely amazing! I recommend everyone see it! Cher has been my hero since I was 10, and I love singing Christina Aguilera! It was a perfect match. As soon as it comes out on DVD I am buying the special one with extra features, and I am going to buy the soundtrack as well. It was so great! Then that night I had a few friends over to watch "Eat Pray Love". We were all nodding off so we decided to call it a night. The next morning I watched "Eat Pray Love" and it was very good! I loved it. So touching. I watched it again later and played some skip-bo alone. I spent Sunday basically just relaxing. It was great. ♥ 
   Monday, yesterday, was a good day. Ballet went really great. Jazz did as well. I also had a chance to talk to some friends about some stuff and we are now closer. It was a really great day. Today has gone very well as well, minus getting soaked walking home due to the torrential rain we are having. Although I really don't see the difference from any other day here. I swear it rains every other day. I have class now, so this wraps up another post. ♥